Wednesday, August 5, 2009

September 26th: Collage with Wan Marsh

Materials List

1. You may use anything that you would like for your background. I prefer primed ¼” boards but you can use canvas pads in whatever size you wish. You can also use canvas boards or pre-stretched canvases. Just be sure the surfaces you bring have been primed with gesso by you, or you have bought it already prepared.

2. Matte Gel medium or Mod Podge. Can be purchased from art supply store. I will have this to share if you can not find it.

3. Acrylic paint in the following colors: white, black, blue, red, yellow, raw umber, and any other colors you care to use. I use Golden Artist colors. I will have some to share.

4. A few small to large brushes. You will need one at least
1” to 2” wide. Cheap chip brushes work great. (craft store)

5. Scissors for cutting paper.


Paper in different colors and patterns,
Xerox copies of people, places, and anything you love!
I will also have images to share!

Optional - pastels, crayons, fabric, ribbon, fiber, lace, old books/magazines to tear, gift wrap, variety of papers. In other words anything that speaks to you!

Wan Marsh 704 525 2899

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Bob Feury's Watercolor Workshop

Watercolors with Bob Feury

A Note from the Instructor:

This will be a painting class which explores color, composition, balance and textures. The student is free come up with his own design, or I can provide a design to anyone who wishes. I will provide numerous printed photos to work from. I will be displaying visual aids on the media screen in the class room

Suggested Supplies

Below are the supplies that Bob will use. These are Bob’s recommendation for supplies, not required supplies. Students should have comparable supplies.
No. 2 liner brush
No 12 round wash brush
No 8 pointed round brush

Cerulean Blue
Yellow Ochre
Burnt Sienna
Alzarin Crimson
Permanent Green
Hookers Green
Pthalo Blue
Lunar Earth

Other materials:
Arches 140lb cold press watercolor paper
Drawing Pencil
Kneaded Eraser
Sketch Pad
Razor blades
Water bowl
Granulation medium
Hair Dryer

Call Jordan at the Arts Center to register for Feury's class, 843.332.6234.