Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Supplies for Recycled, Reclaimed Hardware Store Jewelry Workshop

Items to bring for the workshop:
safety glasses
gardening or other thick gloves
metal shears or heavy-duty scissors
scrap copper and/or brass
ear plugs
sand paper
a file that you do not use in your metalsmithing work

Items to bring if you have them laying around:
your metalsmithing hand tools-pliers, steel block, raw hide mallet
old buttons, jewelry parts, beads, etc.
interesting tin cans

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Ilona Smithkin Oil Workshop...October 10

Suggested Items from Ilona Smithkin:

Plain black round soft charcoal – 1 piece will work nicely

Sketchbook 8 x 10 of newsprint quality

Stretched Canvas 5 x 7 or 8 x 10 (wood backing for finished painting) or canvas board

Brushes – if you do not have oil brushes for this size painting, Ilona will be bringing some

Palette Knife – if you don’t have one, we have plenty at Black Creek

Wooden Palette

Palette Tin Cup for odorless turpentine to clean brushes


Grumbacher or Newton
Permalba White – Large Tube
Yellow Ochre
Cadmium Orange
Cadmium Red Light
Alizarin Crimson
French Ultramarine Blue
Viridian Dark Green
Cerulean Blue
Phalo Yellow Green (optional color)


Paper Towels

Class is for all levels. You will have fun, learn technique and have a finished picture when complete.

Watercolor Workshop with Anne Patterson 10/9-10/10

Understanding Color in order to Create Artwork with More Impact!

Want to paint more exciting paintings or increase the quality of your competition paintings? Join us for an exploration into understanding COLOR through watercolor. Learn what makes color vibrate or how to use it to create a calm and serene image. Learn how to break free from those photograph colors that bind your work. Become more expressive and adept in your use and understanding of the impact of color choices in your work.

Supply List:
Professional Grade Watercolor
Recommend Colors:
Permanent, Quinacriquidone, or Winsor Red
Alizarin Crimson (Permanent)
Hansa Yellow
Aureolin Yellow
New Gamboge
Ultramarine Blue
Cobalt Blue
Burnt Sienna
Sap Green

Arches 140 Lb paper cut into 9x12 sheets or a 9x12 arches 140 block
Tracing Paper
Transfer Paper
Masking Tape
#8 and #10 round brushes
Paper Towels and a Water Container

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

September 26th: Collage with Wan Marsh

Materials List

1. You may use anything that you would like for your background. I prefer primed ¼” boards but you can use canvas pads in whatever size you wish. You can also use canvas boards or pre-stretched canvases. Just be sure the surfaces you bring have been primed with gesso by you, or you have bought it already prepared.

2. Matte Gel medium or Mod Podge. Can be purchased from art supply store. I will have this to share if you can not find it.

3. Acrylic paint in the following colors: white, black, blue, red, yellow, raw umber, and any other colors you care to use. I use Golden Artist colors. I will have some to share.

4. A few small to large brushes. You will need one at least
1” to 2” wide. Cheap chip brushes work great. (craft store)

5. Scissors for cutting paper.


Paper in different colors and patterns,
Xerox copies of people, places, and anything you love!
I will also have images to share!

Optional - pastels, crayons, fabric, ribbon, fiber, lace, old books/magazines to tear, gift wrap, variety of papers. In other words anything that speaks to you!

Wan Marsh 704 525 2899

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Bob Feury's Watercolor Workshop

Watercolors with Bob Feury

A Note from the Instructor:

This will be a painting class which explores color, composition, balance and textures. The student is free come up with his own design, or I can provide a design to anyone who wishes. I will provide numerous printed photos to work from. I will be displaying visual aids on the media screen in the class room

Suggested Supplies

Below are the supplies that Bob will use. These are Bob’s recommendation for supplies, not required supplies. Students should have comparable supplies.
No. 2 liner brush
No 12 round wash brush
No 8 pointed round brush

Cerulean Blue
Yellow Ochre
Burnt Sienna
Alzarin Crimson
Permanent Green
Hookers Green
Pthalo Blue
Lunar Earth

Other materials:
Arches 140lb cold press watercolor paper
Drawing Pencil
Kneaded Eraser
Sketch Pad
Razor blades
Water bowl
Granulation medium
Hair Dryer

Call Jordan at the Arts Center to register for Feury's class, 843.332.6234.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Vicky McLain Workshop - April 10th

Oil Painting with Vicky McLain
What to bring:

8"x10" ultra smooth or portrait grade stretched canvas

Your favorite brushes suitable for an 8x10 canvas. (Vicky's favorites are #8 round bristle. #2 round bristle or #2 round sable.)

Odorless mineral spirits for brush cleaning
Paper towels
Huggies Wipes

Oil Paint:

Cerulean Blue
Ultramarine Blue
Cadmium Yellow Light
Alizarin Crimson
Sap Green
Burnt Sienna
Ivory Black
Titanium White


Table Easel
Medium - like Liquin

Call Bruce at the Arts Center to sign up, 843.332.6234.

If you have trouble finding the canvas, Vicky will have extra for sale.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Mary Grayson Segars' Supply List - 2010

Oil Painting Supply List for Mary Grayson Segars' Workshop

Notes from Mary:


I use only primary colors. I’d like everyone to try mixing from these three colors, but everyone is welcome to buy other, pre-mixed colors as well if they’d like to. Please come to class with a warm and cool version of each primary color. I use

---Ultramarine Blue (or French Ultramarine)—a dark, cool blue
---Cerulean Blue—a lighter, warm blue
---Alizarin Crimson—a dark, cool red
---Cadmium Red Medium---a warm red (can be omitted if necessary)
---Cadmium Yellow Deep---a warm yellow
---Cadmium Yellow Pale---a cool yellow (I rarely use this, so it can be omitted)
---Titanium White (large tube)

If you’re using acrylic paint, please purchase a black in addition to the above.


Whatever you already have is fine, but if you have no palette, you can make one like mine. Cut a piece of ½” masonite into any size you’d like (mine is about 16 X 20). On top of the masonite, lay a piece of neutral-colored paper of the same size, like a gray that’s not too cool and not too warm. Place a piece of glass cut the same size on top and tape the whole thing around the edges. It’s inexpensive and works great.

Acrylic painters probably should purchase a stay-wet palette to avoid the frustration of quickly-drying paint.


Bring whatever you have. If you need to buy new ones, I suggest you get several oil/acrylic brushes---a round, at least one flat, and a filbert. Please don’t get anything smaller than 1/4 inch in width. All in the range of 1/4 “ to 1” is a good way to start.


Again, bring what you have. I prefer stretched canvas, but you can use canvas boards (inexpensive and easy to find) or canvas-covered masonite if you’d like. Size doesn’t matter, but I think 9 X 12 or 11 X 14 is a good, basic size.
I’d also like you to have some inexpensive surface to do exercises on. Try to find some 4 X 6 canvas boards; they’re very inexpensive, come in a pack, and are easy to find (try Wal-Mart).

Turpentine is awfully expensive, so I use paint thinner, which I buy in gallon jugs. Try to get the no-odor or low-odor kind. Bring it in some sort of container with a lid. I keep my cleanser in a large can (like bulk bean cans you can buy in the store). At the bottom, it’s nice to have something to scrape the brushes against. In the bottom of my can, I have inverted two empty tuna cans with holes in them; the holes allow the paint sludge to fall through. Again, you don’t need anything fancy.

If you’re painting in acrylic, all you will need is a container for water.

Paper Towels

Lots of photos

Look through them in advance to get an idea what you might like to paint.

Colored Pencil

Any color will do, but I usually use white.

Palette Knife

Choose whatever shape you’d like; the blade of mine is about 2 ½ inches long and wedge-shaped.

Portable easel, if you have one.

Please don’t hesitate to call me at 843 838-3299 or email me at if you have any questions. See you in class!


Thursday, March 12, 2009

May 9th - Michael Gray Plein Air Workshop

Supply List & Information

May 9th from 10am - 1pm
$65 per person
Location: To Be Determined

Supply List:

an easel suitable for outdoor painting
container for thinner/medium
paper towels or clean up supplies of choice

#1, #3, #5 white bristle brushes flat style

2 - 8 x10 or 11 x 14 or 12 x 16 canvases

Oil Paint in the following colors:

If you already have a color palette that you prefer to work with, please use it. The colors listed below are simply Michael's personal choices.

Feel free to choose your own brand of paints.

titanium white
ultramarine blue
cerulean blue
sap green
permanent green light
yellow ochre
cadmium yellow pale
cadmium orange
cadmium red light
alizarin crimson
dioxazine purple
burnt umber
burnt sienna

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Vicky McLain's Oil Painting Workshop (Dec 12th)

Paint a Beach Scene with Vicky McLain

What to bring:

8"x10" ultra smooth or portrait grade stretched canvas

Your favorite brushes suitable for an 8x10 canvas. (Vicky's favorites are #8 round bristle. #2 round bristle or #2 round sable.)

Odorless mineral spirits for brush cleaning
Paper towels
Huggies Wipes

Oil Paint:

Cerulean Blue
Ultramarine Blue
Cadmium Yellow Light
Alizarin Crimson
Sap Green
Burnt Sienna
Ivory Black
Titanium White


Table Easel
Medium - like Liquin

Cost: $40
Date: December 12th
Time: 9am-2pm
Location: Black Creek Arts Council, 116 W College Ave, Hartsville
Contact: Bethany Perry, 843-332-6234

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Lesle Pinto: Acrylic Painting

Information for Leslie Pinto’s Acrylic Class:

Tuesdays from 6:30 - 8:00pm

Class Outline:

Week 1- Color wheel, complimentary color study of object/still life
Week 2- Still Life
Week 3- Landscape
Week 4- Painting of choice/finishing remaining projects/art show

Supply List:

For paint, Leslie recommends the Liquitex Basics brand; 1 tube of each:

Titanium White
Mars Black
Cobalt Blue
Cad Red
Cad Yellow
Burnt Umber
Gloss Medium

Other supplies that will be needed:

Tray or Plate for Palette
1 small, 1 medium, 1 large round or filbert shaped brushes
2 12"x16" canvases
1 24" x 30" canvas
pencil & eraser

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Anne Patterson's Watercolor Class on April 18th

If you already have supplies, Anne will work with what you have as far as brushes and similar colors. As far as paper is concerned, Anne asks that you avoid the watercolor paper that comes in a spiral pad. She prefers students to use 140 arches paper in the 11x14" size block.
Other supply suggestions for those who are just beginning:

# 6 or #7 and #10 Loew-Cornell Golden Taklon Ultra Round (These are black with a red ring on them.)
3/4" or 1" flat brush

Professional Grade (avoid paint named Academy, Cotman)
Quinacridone Red
Scarlet Lake
Cobalt Blue
Ultramarine Blue
Thalo Blue
New Gamboge Yellow
Aureoline Yellow
Yellow Ochre
Burnt Sienna (Winsor Newton)
Sap Green

Paper towels
Container for water
Masking tape

Jo Furman's Watercolor Supply List

Brushes – 1” soft brush – natural bristles – lettering brush is best
Script brush for fine long narrow lines

Watercolor Paints Needed – Student Grade is fine
Light Red
Yellow Ocre
Dark cabinum yellow
Hookers green
Rawsienna brown
Burnt Umber
Ultramarine Blue
Cobalt Blue
Phthalo Blue

2 containers for water


Scrub rags


Picture or photo of what you would like to paint.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Ilona Smithkin: April 20th - 24th

Suggested Items from Ilona Smithkin:

Plain black round soft charcoal – 1 piece will work nicely

Sketchbook 8 x 10 of newsprint quality

Stretched Canvas 5 x 7 or 8 x 10 (wood backing for finished painting) or canvas board

Brushes – if you do not have oil brushes for this size painting, Ilona will be bringing some

Palette Knife – if you don’t have one, we have plenty at Black Creek

Wooden Palette

Palette Tin Cup for odorless turpentine to clean brushes


Grumbacher or Newton
Permalba White – Large Tube
Yellow Ochre
Cadmium Orange
Cadmium Red Light
Alizarin Crimson
French Ultramarine Blue
Viridian Dark Green
Cerulean Blue
Phalo Yellow Green (optional color)


Paper Towels

Class is for all levels. You will have fun, learn technique and have a finished picture when complete.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Paint a Landscape Workshop with Vicky McLain

Date: February 23rd (Monday)
Time: 9 -2
Cost: $35
Location: Black Creek Arts Center
Contact: Bruce Douglas at 843.332.6234 or
You will complete an 8"x10" painting in class.
What to bring:

8"x10" canvas
Your favorite brushes suitable for an 8x10 canvas. (My favorites are #8 round bristle. #2 round bristle or #2 round sable.
Odorless mineral spirits for brush cleaning.
Paper towels.
Oil Paint: Cerulean Blue, Ultramarine Blue, Cadmium Yellow Light, Alizarin Crimson, Sap Green, Burnt Sienna, Ivory Black, Titanium White.
Huggies wipes.


Table Easel
Medium - like Liquin