Sunday, July 12, 2009

Vicky McLain Workshop - April 10th

Oil Painting with Vicky McLain
What to bring:

8"x10" ultra smooth or portrait grade stretched canvas

Your favorite brushes suitable for an 8x10 canvas. (Vicky's favorites are #8 round bristle. #2 round bristle or #2 round sable.)

Odorless mineral spirits for brush cleaning
Paper towels
Huggies Wipes

Oil Paint:

Cerulean Blue
Ultramarine Blue
Cadmium Yellow Light
Alizarin Crimson
Sap Green
Burnt Sienna
Ivory Black
Titanium White


Table Easel
Medium - like Liquin

Call Bruce at the Arts Center to sign up, 843.332.6234.

If you have trouble finding the canvas, Vicky will have extra for sale.